Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ben's tricks and a word from the girls

Ben you say "mama", something for all-done: "ah-da", ...and that's about it so far. You do some cute signs too! You do "bed" (hand over your ear, and even tilting your head ... so cute!), all-done (first sign), potty!!! (occasionally), milk (you just shake your hand at your side vigorously) is a new and suddenly very frequent, and useful one!, "eat" (only once or twice), and you wave bye-bye and night-night (nor really hello very much). You climb in and out of the family room, a few days ago you pulled yourself up in your crib and on the potty, and in the last week, we have found you in your crib sitting up, something new. You love remotes and outlets and wires, just like Dad. You started a new trick a few nights ago: you like to toss toys over your shoulder. You clap whenever you hear any loud sort of clapping sound, such as a pat on the back or a firecracker.

Anna calls fireworks some other cool word ... maybe "light works" and today Anna and Carla were both using the word "medius" (something like MOST medium!).

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