Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Isn't it nice to have memories?"

Anna said this to Mike before bed tonight :)

Now on to little Benny!

You have discovered your hand - I mean you will sit there and watch your hand, sort of wave to yourself while I am nursing you - so cute!

Also, were very happy to be on your belly today, reaching for things and looking all around, head up high, and you even rolled over a few times right in front of me! Then again for Daddy when he got home. In fact, you look like you want to start crawling around~! I just can't believe it!

You love blowing raspberries all over the place! Very funny! And sticking out your tongue, just a little bit, like an extra lip, also darling.

You can sit too - the girls and I had you sitting before we went over to Harlan's Baptism on Sunday.

Anna said that Harlan was even cuter than you! Not possible! Well maybe, she is a beautiful little doll ... maybe even your girlfriend or wife some day!

Carla, oh Carla, what can I say? You got a night-light last night. I think you really like it. Hopefully it will convert you from your nocturnal ways!

Anna, you are really growing up. Giving in to Carla many times since she is only just beginning to learn all about sharing.

Carla, you sure are a doll with your little brother who you have lately been calling "our baby". Tonight, you went up to him -- got into his crib and were standing over him with your piece of pizza! Ben, you little love, you were just sleeping away, though slightly stirred as you were sucking away at your 2 fingers.

Ben, you are sometimes loving to chew on your thumb. The girls make you laugh all the time. Even when they are doing things that I don't think that they should when they are around you -- like bouncing your seat really high, or yelling at the top of their lungs, etc. You love your sissies as much as they love you! And Dad and I just ADORE all three of you!!!!

We are SO blessed!

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