Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our Baby is Poor :(


Take a picture of me with my rolling pin (made of crayons) -- can you send it to if there is a ???


We called Poison Control this morning ...around 5am .... found Carla sitting on the bathroom counter -- toothpaste everywhere including all over her mouth ... yikes ... guess we have to add the bathroom door to the list of doors to lock overnight ... b/c Carla gets in ... once we found Carla in Ben's crib when he was very young ... with her poopy diaper OFF! Yuck! Gotta run, but oooh, let's see, cottage cheese, yogurt, pee-pee, cashews, hot chocolate...Yikes!!!

"Poor baby... poor baby ...our baby is poor :( "


When I am nursing you, you'll stop (or even not stop) and somehow hold out your hand and look at it and open and close it, sort of wave, to yourself, soooo cute!

You crack up all the time, Anna teases you - like won't let you get something and you just laugh and laugh...

You love grabbing for anything out in front of you with both hands!

You're squawking and squealing lots - telling us you're going to be talking soon!

Your first sign that I am teaching you is all done - only at potty so far, and each time I do it, you smile big and it's like you're saying "yep, I'm finished - get me off :)"

We all love you little buddy!

Buzzz light!

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