Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anna's School

Today we all went to Anna's school so I could talk to her class about being a dietitian. It was fun! The kids were excited to learn about healthy foods! It was fun having everyone try edamame beans and everyone took home a snack maze. The class craft was cool -- decorating a lunch bag with "healthy" and "unhealthy" foods from the weekly newspaper ads, and fulling the bag with foods you like to eat! I think you (Anna) liked having me in your class, and Carla too! Everyone thought you (Ben) were darling, and people said that both Ben and Carla were really good :) Carla you got to do everything the other kids did -- circle time, story time, washing hands, lining up at the door and in the hallway, running around in the gym, and playing with the parachute, and even snack time and making a craft! Anna, I thought it was cool that you told Mrs. Laffey your address!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Great DAY!!!

You are ALL being angels!!!

Getting ready for swimming today, going potty first thing in the morning, helping me make Breakfast Sundaes!, going into the car for swimming, going in/out, getting undressed/dressed, pottying, ...I could scream with delight at all of your dispositions!!!

Ben, you had your first solid poop!! And you did it right on the potty!! You have been practically dry all day -- lots of pee-pee on the potty!!!

Praise the Lord!!!!!! Thank you God!!!!! God bless each of you!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

First sign! and Happy Valentine's Day!

A few times this morning Ben seemed to be making the potty sign - and then just now, he was doing it again and I put him on and he PEED! So awesome! I can't believe Ben can not only potty, but he can also tell us he needs to! Also, it's been at least a good 3 or 4 days since he has pooped in his diaper!!!

Carla, I'm happy to say I cannot remember the last time you had an accident! I have been waiting for that! You often have dry nap-time diapers too! Oh, yesterday while eating popcorn at Gramma M's, you pointed out that the popcorn looks like a penis! I think she is right!

Anna had her Valentine show/party at school today! So cute!!! Such a big girl!!! You and Carla had matching penguin red and pink striped outfits and pretty new matching Valentine heart shoes!

Wild about Wheat!

Ben tried wheat and really enjoyed it! He's doing really well eating table food and Ben, you even want to put the spoon in your mouth by YOURSELF!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Second tooth!

Ben didn't want to sleep this afternoon, and guess what?! He has a new tooth! Already as big as his first one! Monday Ben started with his second grain -- oatmeal! Monday he will try wheat! I can't be sure yet, but I think Ben may have made the potty sign today and once or twice in the last few days! Such a little smartie!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Her potties runned out in batteries


"Daddy can fix this (the ripped wallpaper) with his tools!" [Daddy can fix anything!]
"Why is Daddy not fixin this?" [impossible impatience, Daddy is in NY!]

"Both potties (bottom and go-gina) are not workin. They runned out in batteries." ...after a few toots on the potty :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love-a-Lot Day Party!

Anna and Carla had all of Anna's girl classmates over for a Valentine/Love-a-Lot Day tea/party! And their moms and one little brother, Owen, came too! So much fun! The decorations were fun to make and setting a beautiful table with Gramma M's help :) China tea set and a pretty hearts table cloth :) They made valentine animal toilet paper roll crafts and dressed up and danced! The kids did a lot of running around all over the place! Anna thought it was only 1 minute long! We're going to make it a tradition!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ben caused a disturbance!

I was holding Ben when I opened the refrigerator -- he pulled out a beer bottle, and ... DROPPED IT! Enough said right -- with our floor, it was quite a process to clean it all up! Beer is sticky :~

Monday, February 7, 2011


This morning you (Carla) said Fred rhymes with bread!! I was all excited for you and you ran to tell Daddy. We had to call him b/c you said "He will like that!" You're learning new things all the time!

You also shout out "such and such EQUALS..." (like Anna does) and you talk about "chapter 1" and let's see, you say something like "I will go check to see if..." but you just use the word "if" and the rest is assumed :)

You always say "I sure I..." and you have started saying "I AM sure" ...the other way was cute :)

You say you want to try "Cooper's class" for swimming ... this is the next step after Gym-n-Swim with me!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Carla did her first Home Depot building project with Daddy! They made a darling heart shelf :)

Ben got his first tooth!!!! He was home with Daddy and when I came home from a run, Mike said he is drooling like crazy, sopping his shirt! And I stuck my finger in his mouth and there it was! Such a champ! He didn't even fuss! You are allowed to fuss occasionally Ben!

Anna, hmmm, you're adding like crazy! You randomly shout out math problems that you see with your toys!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You're quiet -- Anna

I've been trying to calm down and it's working for me AND making you guys calmer!

Ben you've restarted on cereal - plain rice - and you eat it really well. On Sunday, Daddy, Anna, and Carla all fed you together and you've had cereal each afternoon since.

You sort of got into a potty rut for the last week, but today (and last night - midnightish) have been much better -- you're getting right back to your old pottying self!

You haven't gotten your first tooth yet, but it's coming soon!

Yesterday, you tried napping 3x yesterday afternoon -- each time you were screaming away within minutes -- when I went in, you were on your belly. I think your warm white coat keeps you from rolling, but you're going to be on the move soon!

Today you had a friend over! Antonio - and you two were all cute and giggling at each other, he on his jumper and you in your exersaucer. More fun together coming I'm sure!

Carla, I think you're getting the hang of sleeping finally!

Oh, and yesterday morning, all THREE of you were asleep at 7:07AM!!! This was monumental! ....This morning, for example, the day started around 4:30 because of a loud crashing icicle! You all went to bed really well so that was nice, not that you are usually any trouble then.

Ta-ta for now! Happy ground hog day!