Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You're quiet -- Anna

I've been trying to calm down and it's working for me AND making you guys calmer!

Ben you've restarted on cereal - plain rice - and you eat it really well. On Sunday, Daddy, Anna, and Carla all fed you together and you've had cereal each afternoon since.

You sort of got into a potty rut for the last week, but today (and last night - midnightish) have been much better -- you're getting right back to your old pottying self!

You haven't gotten your first tooth yet, but it's coming soon!

Yesterday, you tried napping 3x yesterday afternoon -- each time you were screaming away within minutes -- when I went in, you were on your belly. I think your warm white coat keeps you from rolling, but you're going to be on the move soon!

Today you had a friend over! Antonio - and you two were all cute and giggling at each other, he on his jumper and you in your exersaucer. More fun together coming I'm sure!

Carla, I think you're getting the hang of sleeping finally!

Oh, and yesterday morning, all THREE of you were asleep at 7:07AM!!! This was monumental! ....This morning, for example, the day started around 4:30 because of a loud crashing icicle! You all went to bed really well so that was nice, not that you are usually any trouble then.

Ta-ta for now! Happy ground hog day!

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