Thursday, March 31, 2011

Catching up!

ooops, now this is even getting way behind! You guys just do so many cool things that I think it will take too long in the moment to write everything down! Anyway...

Ben, you have 2 top teeth now! Yesterday you were signing "more" between every bite! So cute! Yesterday also, you started a new way of pottying ...sort of like standing to pee ... well at least facing the potty, instead of the other way. I think you signed "all done" a few times, and you instinctively know the "eat" sign without even being taught! You're getting really close to crawling I think -- you definitely move around from original position when you are on the floor. You sit really well, like I am comfortable to move away from you when you are sitting! You love everyone's necklaces! You grab at everything. Carla is still gently in love with you and so protective, and Anna is finally getting better at not being so loud with you. You love avocado, pumpkin, sweet potato, apricot, prunes, oatmeal, wheat, rice (or as Carla says "reese"), potatoes, carrots...everything we give you! You're very interested in food!

Carla -- let me see, some funny things to say: "once about a time", "going home" (means leaving home), you love to watch the workers outside digging, once coming home from Gramma M's you said the sky looks "sleepy" and that the Indians stadium lights look like "big toothbrushes" (and they do!), once I wanted you to pee, and I offered you a chocolate chip, and you looked up at me and asked "pepper?" so cutely (I sure wished we weren't out!), ...

Anna and Carla things: buckle bottom, monster traps, jumparoono (gather all the pillows in the house and jump on them), conica, conikay, ...

Anna: "I never want to watch Dr Oz, but I get stuck on it!", you love everything Leprechaun (ever since one visited your pre-school classroom and you brought home a Leprechaun trap that you made at school. You lost your first tooth yesterday! The tooth fairy came last night -- you got 4 shiny quarters for your age and for your shiny tooth (which I threw away by mistake!). A fairy visit was very exciting!, "Mom, can I take everything off except my panties, and put on a dress-up?"

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