Thursday, March 3, 2011

March is Marching in!

Hmmm, let's see. You guys have all been really good lately :) Ben you have been peeing before and after each time you eat! You laugh a lot at things like when Anna and Carla were stomping on packing bubbles the other day! Your new food is apricot and sweet potatoes and you also tried avocado recently. You like everything we give you. Carla you are swimming great with Miss Brianne, Anna, the triplets, and Cooper! You're such a big girl. You want a big girl bed -- we're working on it! Someone said you were "stunning" in the library yesterday. You love story time! Anna, you're doing great with the "fish oil challenge" and this month we're upping our dosage! You can even swallow the pills without water - though I did NOT endorse this "challenge"! You girls like to watch American Idol! We'll see who your favorites are!?!?! Carla you are really enjoying playing "little guys" and kitchen/cooking/food play, and as always you enjoy baby dolls still :) Anna you're beginning to enjoy playing baby dolls a lot too. Anna you swim really well, better and better, each week, today you went underwater a lot, and you were doing well keeping your feet out of the water -- it helps you go so much faster!

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