Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bossy Anna, etc

Anna and Carla were playing and Anna said "You should do ....such and such at once or no candy for you for a week!" (I have said this to Anna exactly twice in her life for gobbling up cookies right as I am telling her not to and laughing about it...another story). Carla's response: "I don't want any candy!" Anna's reply, "You should do ... or else LOTS of candy for you for one weeek!!!!"

By the way, I'm just getting to October videos of the kiddos - and it's amazing how much better Carla is talking just since then! She is all out full sentences, like tonight when Mike had her on his shoulders "don't let go of me Daddy so I don't fall down on the ground"

Carla lately has been singing lots of songs, but the funny, new change is that now she is always singing them with all the lyrics beginning with the same letter's fun to do and funny, you should try some time! Ex: Bow, bow, bow, bor boat, bently bown ba beam, bearily, bearily, .... you get the idea :)

Good night!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas was Spectacular!

Not really a "Christmas" update, but anyway, on Christmas, Anna happened to say "If there wasn't any Ben, I wouldn't say 'cute' very much!". She was thrilled with the whole experience! So fun!!!!

Tonight, Anna was having a party - being the hostess, and she kept wanting to get everything to the dinner table since she was "having" the party. She and Carla had to trade us place mats, so that we could have something "pretty".

Carla is constantly asking Anna "Am I is the baby?"

Carla: "stow" = snow

Ben's new thing is to go to bed with a huge smile on his face - great way to leave a baby in a crib, though I don't want to leave the room!

Ben also doing some major rolling though no one ever gets to see it happening!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mostly Carla...

Carla - "I don't love it..." (instead of saying "I don't like...")
Ben- wearing a girlie Christmas sleeper; you're still my little man!
Anna- sang brightly for her Christmas program, such a pretty young lady :)

Over the weekend, we went to visit Michael and Ashley in Philadelphia. We had a lovely visit and all three kiddos really enjoyed Lyla! or "Wy" or "Wyla" as Carla calls her.

Carla is always the baby in their pretend play and last week and since our visit her name as a baby is "Wyla".

Anna, on the way home: "Can I have some of that baby soup so I can have some chocolate?" -- homemade butternut squash soup Michael made...super yummy by the way!

Carla still says are we "going home" for actually going to anywhere "away from home"

Poor Carla was so tired of being in the car and very tired that when we were 15 minutes from Michael and Ashley's house, she wanted to go home! ...though maybe she meant M and A's based on the previous comment?! Couldn't get the details from her since the poor girl was going insane for that last part of the ride :~

Carla asked why the snow man doesn't have eyes -- they were covered with a new coat of snow.

Carla's technological advances: today she searched for the p7000 on google -- there are apparently several products, a Nikon camera, and a few other things! Secondly, she somehow started a children's show on the TV when I went to put Ben up for a nap while Dr Oz was paused. She proceeded to fall asleep with the remote in hand -- a pic for SOMEDAY when I catch up with that.

Carla helped me make eggplant parm this afternoon -- and ate some raw! Strange, and she liked it! She likes EEEEVERYTHING! Sweet girl is a very healthy eater :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Anna with Mike in the grocery store yesterday: asking for every treat she could see, and then her whole face lit up and she turned to Mike and said "I know what you will say yes to! DONUTS!!!" and then they bought a donut :)

Carla broke a delicate decoration yesterday and we didn't yell at her, just talked calmly with her about it, and she said "I'm not going to cry; I'm just going to talk." It was cute, since lately, she runs off and curls up in a ball, and says "I'm just going to cry...". So sad.

Ben, hmmm, you are very ticklish and were giggling lots today. You love your exersaucer and chew on everything you can get your hands on! Including fabric things -- which seems so yucky to me. You're reaching out a lot too, getting big :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Nicknames and more

Anna-banana, Carla-bo-barla, and Benny-Ka-chenny-Ben :)

Carla calls her thighs/and other peoples: "laps" ...put Ben on my laps, let me sit on both of your laps, etc

Anna made up a word: a "long cut" = opposite of a short cut; we took one on the way to school on Friday -- trying to hurry!

Anna says Benjamin is the "Baby of the over-ham (or sometimes overhand) worlddddd!"

Carla had her first morning with the good-morning light! Yeah! Hope it works!

Anna read the word "water" on the Wii, and she can spell "Carla", and she spelled "boo" on paper a few weeks ago.

The girls like to say "strip downnnnn to my underwear!"

Carla repeats EVERYTHING that Anna says or does, and Anna LOVES it! Anna likes to match with Carla :) Anna likes to help make Anna feel better, and Carla likes to make Anna feel better. They play together SO nicely 90% of the time :)

Carla loves pickles and tomatoes! Everything really, but these lately, and especially, and cheese sticks.

Anna says "I used to like cheese sticks (for example), but not any more. I think my tastes changed." or "You like (something), but I don't like it. We have different tastes."

Anna still uses "last day" and "next day" (= yesterday and tomorrow).

Off to watch Anna and Carla's play/theatre/show!

Grossner Girl Lyrics for "Come on Barbie, let's go party! ah, ah, ah, yeah!"
Anna says: "let's go potty!"
Carla says: "come on FAIRY, let's go potty!"

St Nick brought the girls fairies, and Carla calls hers a Barbie...

Anna loves Memory Matching games :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Saint Nicholas Day!

Anna and Carla were very excited that St Nicholas came with a delivery last night! They love their new fairies and especially the "secret codes" that they came with to unlock treasures! Benjamin really enjoyed his new toy too!

Sending a shout-out to Uncle Nick on his feast day! Wahoo!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

up at 4AM!

Yikes! Carla does not like to sleep! She woke up twice in the night before that and didn't ever fall asleep at 4! ...until a 7am nap! Ben and Daddy are the sleep-in-ers. Ben woke at 8:15! He was probably up a while; this was just when he made a sound. Whenever we go in to get him, he is just lying there relaxing, sucking his fingers. Dad 8:45, Anna was woken up by Carla before 5!

Anna and Carla share an imaginary friend -- Akadoona -- a shadow person, a little mouse who scurries around, it's a different answer every time, he's afraid of humans.

Carla always says "tanks" whenever you say things to her, such as "I love you".

Last night in the car Anna was upset that Ben was crying because it was keeping her up ans she wanted to fall asleep. She said all the "other" things she loves about him, just not his crying.