Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas was Spectacular!

Not really a "Christmas" update, but anyway, on Christmas, Anna happened to say "If there wasn't any Ben, I wouldn't say 'cute' very much!". She was thrilled with the whole experience! So fun!!!!

Tonight, Anna was having a party - being the hostess, and she kept wanting to get everything to the dinner table since she was "having" the party. She and Carla had to trade us place mats, so that we could have something "pretty".

Carla is constantly asking Anna "Am I is the baby?"

Carla: "stow" = snow

Ben's new thing is to go to bed with a huge smile on his face - great way to leave a baby in a crib, though I don't want to leave the room!

Ben also doing some major rolling though no one ever gets to see it happening!

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