Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ben's tricks and a word from the girls

Ben you say "mama", something for all-done: "ah-da", ...and that's about it so far. You do some cute signs too! You do "bed" (hand over your ear, and even tilting your head ... so cute!), all-done (first sign), potty!!! (occasionally), milk (you just shake your hand at your side vigorously) is a new and suddenly very frequent, and useful one!, "eat" (only once or twice), and you wave bye-bye and night-night (nor really hello very much). You climb in and out of the family room, a few days ago you pulled yourself up in your crib and on the potty, and in the last week, we have found you in your crib sitting up, something new. You love remotes and outlets and wires, just like Dad. You started a new trick a few nights ago: you like to toss toys over your shoulder. You clap whenever you hear any loud sort of clapping sound, such as a pat on the back or a firecracker.

Anna calls fireworks some other cool word ... maybe "light works" and today Anna and Carla were both using the word "medius" (something like MOST medium!).

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh boy!

Ben is getting so big! First haircut by Daddy yesterday -- so handsome! He is doing "so big" and waving and it seems like he says "Hyyyyyeeee" so sweetly and so clearly he says "Anna!" He loves his pumpkin and yogurt and everything we feed you. He is crawling around army-style, moving fast. Ben you are thinking about pulling yourself up -- some day soon I think.

Carla says "wid-bit" and she is sleeping until around 5, peeing, and then sleeping until 7 sometimes. Only tiny accidents during the day now -- panties damp, just a "wid-bit", and "I held it!!!!" She says "poo-ups" and loves them! Anna called them "pull-downs".

Anna is really behaving well, growing up, getting ready for kindergarten! She goes to bed lickety-split and sleeps often past 7. She likes to "surprise" us with doing things like getting jammies on on her own or dressing herself and going potty before coming in to say good morning. You LOVE "chocolatey goodness" and think it's amazing that it's so yummy AND healthy!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ben is waving!!!!

Carla woke up around 6am 3 days in a row! She also loves her pooooow-ups!

Ever since his baby signing class on Monday, Ben has been waving constantly!!! So cute! He is also SO close to picking up and crawling away!

Anna's new tooth is growing in nicely. She feels bad when she does something wrong. She says "I don't know how" or "I forgot" or "Benny likes it" afterward, just trying to figure it all out.

Carla to Anna - where is the Easter bunny?
Anna to Carla - up in the sky, like Jesus.

Carla to Mike - is there just one Easter Bunny? So he goes around the whole world???

Anna - maybe the Easter Bunny will come early! At Christmas, Santa came to Grandma M's house every day!

Ben has been doing lots of pottying in his potty! Carla has been hardly having accidents and today she woke in the night, went pee, and then curled right up back to sleep :)

Easter is 2 days away. Anna has been getting up earlier than usual all week, running downstairs, and searching for Easter eggs /basket that might have come early.

Good night.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Time Flies!

Anna calls Carla's Pull-Ups "pull-downs", "wide-asleep" (tired), you didn't try for your kindergarten shots! (wouldn't be surprising, except you've been a bit anxious about them since Dr Cochran said you'd have to get an extra at 5y b/c you chose none at 4y. You got Carla to go potty "without crying about going potty" by asking her to sit in the "parlor seat". You're thrilled to be 5!

Ben likes to stick out his tongue, giggles lots, 19 lb 11 oz at 9 months old, 27 in (though you're actually taller), today it sounded like you were saying anna, dada, ma, eye :), you love necklaces and eyes, you're beginning to wave and do "so big"

Carla said Ben had on a running shirt because it had a "snook" on it -- a snook is a sad, poor face (a Nike symbol!), you have 'poor', tears, and Jesus/God all intermingled into some confused idea. you say "pony, pony, pony!", you said to Dad last night "who is Pooh's friend?, the one who will always be with you?", you slept through night 3 of 5 last nights. You know your birth date AND Anna's!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Catching up!

ooops, now this is even getting way behind! You guys just do so many cool things that I think it will take too long in the moment to write everything down! Anyway...

Ben, you have 2 top teeth now! Yesterday you were signing "more" between every bite! So cute! Yesterday also, you started a new way of pottying ...sort of like standing to pee ... well at least facing the potty, instead of the other way. I think you signed "all done" a few times, and you instinctively know the "eat" sign without even being taught! You're getting really close to crawling I think -- you definitely move around from original position when you are on the floor. You sit really well, like I am comfortable to move away from you when you are sitting! You love everyone's necklaces! You grab at everything. Carla is still gently in love with you and so protective, and Anna is finally getting better at not being so loud with you. You love avocado, pumpkin, sweet potato, apricot, prunes, oatmeal, wheat, rice (or as Carla says "reese"), potatoes, carrots...everything we give you! You're very interested in food!

Carla -- let me see, some funny things to say: "once about a time", "going home" (means leaving home), you love to watch the workers outside digging, once coming home from Gramma M's you said the sky looks "sleepy" and that the Indians stadium lights look like "big toothbrushes" (and they do!), once I wanted you to pee, and I offered you a chocolate chip, and you looked up at me and asked "pepper?" so cutely (I sure wished we weren't out!), ...

Anna and Carla things: buckle bottom, monster traps, jumparoono (gather all the pillows in the house and jump on them), conica, conikay, ...

Anna: "I never want to watch Dr Oz, but I get stuck on it!", you love everything Leprechaun (ever since one visited your pre-school classroom and you brought home a Leprechaun trap that you made at school. You lost your first tooth yesterday! The tooth fairy came last night -- you got 4 shiny quarters for your age and for your shiny tooth (which I threw away by mistake!). A fairy visit was very exciting!, "Mom, can I take everything off except my panties, and put on a dress-up?"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March is Marching in!

Hmmm, let's see. You guys have all been really good lately :) Ben you have been peeing before and after each time you eat! You laugh a lot at things like when Anna and Carla were stomping on packing bubbles the other day! Your new food is apricot and sweet potatoes and you also tried avocado recently. You like everything we give you. Carla you are swimming great with Miss Brianne, Anna, the triplets, and Cooper! You're such a big girl. You want a big girl bed -- we're working on it! Someone said you were "stunning" in the library yesterday. You love story time! Anna, you're doing great with the "fish oil challenge" and this month we're upping our dosage! You can even swallow the pills without water - though I did NOT endorse this "challenge"! You girls like to watch American Idol! We'll see who your favorites are!?!?! Carla you are really enjoying playing "little guys" and kitchen/cooking/food play, and as always you enjoy baby dolls still :) Anna you're beginning to enjoy playing baby dolls a lot too. Anna you swim really well, better and better, each week, today you went underwater a lot, and you were doing well keeping your feet out of the water -- it helps you go so much faster!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Reading and Math

Yikes Anna! You are having an intelligence explosion! When you were little, you used to sometimes have "word explosions" -- actual baby development term -- for suddenly using lots of new words. Well, you randomly shout out math problems, sometimes adding more than 2 numbers together -- you just see math problems with the toys you're playing with or as you're eating a meal or snack. Speaking of eating, you must being growing! (or maybe your brain is using all those extra calories!) b/c you're eating SO well and so much! You're also very good at not eating any more when you're feeling full, even when treats/desserts are involved! You've been so polite and obedient lately -- I am SO grateful! I love brushing your long, thick, dark head of hair. You don't mind it as long as I am reading you a story. You still love your stories. Back to explosions, you are reading! It is SO cool when you sound something out! Just today, it was cool that you read "end" and also figured out the name "Mariposa" by sounding out "mar". You think it's cool too!

Carla, you haven't been eating as much lately, though you still enjoy most foods pretty well. Your favorite is probably still a cheese stick. You ADORE "Benny" -- so very gentle and loving to him. I love the way you gently push your hair back behind your ears. You don't much like your hair brushed in the last few months (prob b/c Anna), but recently you've stopped fussing over it so much.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anna's School

Today we all went to Anna's school so I could talk to her class about being a dietitian. It was fun! The kids were excited to learn about healthy foods! It was fun having everyone try edamame beans and everyone took home a snack maze. The class craft was cool -- decorating a lunch bag with "healthy" and "unhealthy" foods from the weekly newspaper ads, and fulling the bag with foods you like to eat! I think you (Anna) liked having me in your class, and Carla too! Everyone thought you (Ben) were darling, and people said that both Ben and Carla were really good :) Carla you got to do everything the other kids did -- circle time, story time, washing hands, lining up at the door and in the hallway, running around in the gym, and playing with the parachute, and even snack time and making a craft! Anna, I thought it was cool that you told Mrs. Laffey your address!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Great DAY!!!

You are ALL being angels!!!

Getting ready for swimming today, going potty first thing in the morning, helping me make Breakfast Sundaes!, going into the car for swimming, going in/out, getting undressed/dressed, pottying, ...I could scream with delight at all of your dispositions!!!

Ben, you had your first solid poop!! And you did it right on the potty!! You have been practically dry all day -- lots of pee-pee on the potty!!!

Praise the Lord!!!!!! Thank you God!!!!! God bless each of you!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

First sign! and Happy Valentine's Day!

A few times this morning Ben seemed to be making the potty sign - and then just now, he was doing it again and I put him on and he PEED! So awesome! I can't believe Ben can not only potty, but he can also tell us he needs to! Also, it's been at least a good 3 or 4 days since he has pooped in his diaper!!!

Carla, I'm happy to say I cannot remember the last time you had an accident! I have been waiting for that! You often have dry nap-time diapers too! Oh, yesterday while eating popcorn at Gramma M's, you pointed out that the popcorn looks like a penis! I think she is right!

Anna had her Valentine show/party at school today! So cute!!! Such a big girl!!! You and Carla had matching penguin red and pink striped outfits and pretty new matching Valentine heart shoes!

Wild about Wheat!

Ben tried wheat and really enjoyed it! He's doing really well eating table food and Ben, you even want to put the spoon in your mouth by YOURSELF!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Second tooth!

Ben didn't want to sleep this afternoon, and guess what?! He has a new tooth! Already as big as his first one! Monday Ben started with his second grain -- oatmeal! Monday he will try wheat! I can't be sure yet, but I think Ben may have made the potty sign today and once or twice in the last few days! Such a little smartie!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Her potties runned out in batteries


"Daddy can fix this (the ripped wallpaper) with his tools!" [Daddy can fix anything!]
"Why is Daddy not fixin this?" [impossible impatience, Daddy is in NY!]

"Both potties (bottom and go-gina) are not workin. They runned out in batteries." ...after a few toots on the potty :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love-a-Lot Day Party!

Anna and Carla had all of Anna's girl classmates over for a Valentine/Love-a-Lot Day tea/party! And their moms and one little brother, Owen, came too! So much fun! The decorations were fun to make and setting a beautiful table with Gramma M's help :) China tea set and a pretty hearts table cloth :) They made valentine animal toilet paper roll crafts and dressed up and danced! The kids did a lot of running around all over the place! Anna thought it was only 1 minute long! We're going to make it a tradition!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ben caused a disturbance!

I was holding Ben when I opened the refrigerator -- he pulled out a beer bottle, and ... DROPPED IT! Enough said right -- with our floor, it was quite a process to clean it all up! Beer is sticky :~

Monday, February 7, 2011


This morning you (Carla) said Fred rhymes with bread!! I was all excited for you and you ran to tell Daddy. We had to call him b/c you said "He will like that!" You're learning new things all the time!

You also shout out "such and such EQUALS..." (like Anna does) and you talk about "chapter 1" and let's see, you say something like "I will go check to see if..." but you just use the word "if" and the rest is assumed :)

You always say "I sure I..." and you have started saying "I AM sure" ...the other way was cute :)

You say you want to try "Cooper's class" for swimming ... this is the next step after Gym-n-Swim with me!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Carla did her first Home Depot building project with Daddy! They made a darling heart shelf :)

Ben got his first tooth!!!! He was home with Daddy and when I came home from a run, Mike said he is drooling like crazy, sopping his shirt! And I stuck my finger in his mouth and there it was! Such a champ! He didn't even fuss! You are allowed to fuss occasionally Ben!

Anna, hmmm, you're adding like crazy! You randomly shout out math problems that you see with your toys!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You're quiet -- Anna

I've been trying to calm down and it's working for me AND making you guys calmer!

Ben you've restarted on cereal - plain rice - and you eat it really well. On Sunday, Daddy, Anna, and Carla all fed you together and you've had cereal each afternoon since.

You sort of got into a potty rut for the last week, but today (and last night - midnightish) have been much better -- you're getting right back to your old pottying self!

You haven't gotten your first tooth yet, but it's coming soon!

Yesterday, you tried napping 3x yesterday afternoon -- each time you were screaming away within minutes -- when I went in, you were on your belly. I think your warm white coat keeps you from rolling, but you're going to be on the move soon!

Today you had a friend over! Antonio - and you two were all cute and giggling at each other, he on his jumper and you in your exersaucer. More fun together coming I'm sure!

Carla, I think you're getting the hang of sleeping finally!

Oh, and yesterday morning, all THREE of you were asleep at 7:07AM!!! This was monumental! ....This morning, for example, the day started around 4:30 because of a loud crashing icicle! You all went to bed really well so that was nice, not that you are usually any trouble then.

Ta-ta for now! Happy ground hog day!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

Anna's question to Carla all evening -- the last time -- the thing that Anna was thinking.... Can I lick the chocolate off of your face Carla???? What?!!? Are you kidding me?!?! She actually started making her way over to those yummy chocolatey cheeks!

Yesterday Anna read a lot of words!!! Tonight, we bought the library book that she was reading from! Carla loves it too, along with Ten Minutes Till Bedtime. They sure (Carla is beginning to :) love their books!

Carla called her butt a Ba-gina!!
She says "I sure I... (skipping the "am")

Ben was doing a funny lip-smacking sound this afternoon, very cute :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our Baby is Poor :(


Take a picture of me with my rolling pin (made of crayons) -- can you send it to if there is a ???


We called Poison Control this morning ...around 5am .... found Carla sitting on the bathroom counter -- toothpaste everywhere including all over her mouth ... yikes ... guess we have to add the bathroom door to the list of doors to lock overnight ... b/c Carla gets in ... once we found Carla in Ben's crib when he was very young ... with her poopy diaper OFF! Yuck! Gotta run, but oooh, let's see, cottage cheese, yogurt, pee-pee, cashews, hot chocolate...Yikes!!!

"Poor baby... poor baby ...our baby is poor :( "


When I am nursing you, you'll stop (or even not stop) and somehow hold out your hand and look at it and open and close it, sort of wave, to yourself, soooo cute!

You crack up all the time, Anna teases you - like won't let you get something and you just laugh and laugh...

You love grabbing for anything out in front of you with both hands!

You're squawking and squealing lots - telling us you're going to be talking soon!

Your first sign that I am teaching you is all done - only at potty so far, and each time I do it, you smile big and it's like you're saying "yep, I'm finished - get me off :)"

We all love you little buddy!

Buzzz light!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Anna told Carla that there is no such thing as ghosts. Then she said to me "you talked me into that (no ghosts) and now I am talking Carla into it!" And then she said "it (again- the idea of no ghosts) is a hand-me-down!"

Anna calls tickling Ben's belly with her nose "ner, ner, ner" -- I guess that is the sort of sound I make when I do it. She says "I want to ner-ner-ner you Ben!". She also likes to tickle Ben "with her eyes" -- I made this up :) If you just look in that sweet boy's eyes and smile he cracks up! So cute!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


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"Isn't it nice to have memories?"

Anna said this to Mike before bed tonight :)

Now on to little Benny!

You have discovered your hand - I mean you will sit there and watch your hand, sort of wave to yourself while I am nursing you - so cute!

Also, were very happy to be on your belly today, reaching for things and looking all around, head up high, and you even rolled over a few times right in front of me! Then again for Daddy when he got home. In fact, you look like you want to start crawling around~! I just can't believe it!

You love blowing raspberries all over the place! Very funny! And sticking out your tongue, just a little bit, like an extra lip, also darling.

You can sit too - the girls and I had you sitting before we went over to Harlan's Baptism on Sunday.

Anna said that Harlan was even cuter than you! Not possible! Well maybe, she is a beautiful little doll ... maybe even your girlfriend or wife some day!

Carla, oh Carla, what can I say? You got a night-light last night. I think you really like it. Hopefully it will convert you from your nocturnal ways!

Anna, you are really growing up. Giving in to Carla many times since she is only just beginning to learn all about sharing.

Carla, you sure are a doll with your little brother who you have lately been calling "our baby". Tonight, you went up to him -- got into his crib and were standing over him with your piece of pizza! Ben, you little love, you were just sleeping away, though slightly stirred as you were sucking away at your 2 fingers.

Ben, you are sometimes loving to chew on your thumb. The girls make you laugh all the time. Even when they are doing things that I don't think that they should when they are around you -- like bouncing your seat really high, or yelling at the top of their lungs, etc. You love your sissies as much as they love you! And Dad and I just ADORE all three of you!!!!

We are SO blessed!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Anna's terms, etc

Carla-sized, Ben-sized, little ones, last day, next day, stuck (stuffed up), boogies (boogers)

Anna's rating system: a thumbs-up = original very yummy ... then sideways thumb = so-so ... "4 thumbs-up" (2 thumbs up and 2 pinkies up) = awesome!!!

super-power bracelet: to be worn constantly

Anna loves anything relating to fairies especially, and also Barbies, Pet Shop, and last Christmas loves are still faves: CareBears and Ponies

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Anna's FAVORITE joke: "what's an ape's favorite ice cream? chocolate chimp!!!" she says it so much, so cute!

Carla's version: "what's favorite shape? chocolate chimp!"

Anna makes up jokes sometimes; the latest: "what's an elephant riding a stop sign?" punch line. And "what's a Carla-head on a Carla-head?"